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Avoiding Confusion High School Curriculum Companion Download

Sale price$116.00

Avoiding Confusion High School Curriculum Companion Download
Interpret Cultural Issues through a Biblical Worldview

by Paul Chappell & Larry Chappell

Podcasts, social media, and friends and family are full of positions and opinions on every topic. Gender identity, the origin of the universe, the sanctity of life, the cry for justice—the debates seem endless. Many Christian young people have some ideas and opinions on these cultural issues, but few have thought them through from a biblical worldview.

In a culture in which the Bible is scorned and Christianity is disdained, Christian teenagers need to understand the biblical position on cultural issues. And they need to, in the words of 1 Peter 3:15, "be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear."

Avoiding Confusion is more than Bible class lessons; it’s a guide for helping your students navigate the difficult societal landscape in which they live. Not only does this curriculum provide relevant Scriptures for a teacher to use in a classroom setting, but it also documents statements by popular authors and speakers, evaluating their arguments in the light of unchanging truths. Discussion questions throughout the lesson will challenge your students to think critically and contend for the faith with grace and truth.

Sometimes Christians get confused by the many voices surrounding them. The world has an overwhelming amount of opinions and questions. But the Bible still has clear answers.


Included in this resource:

  • Extensive presentation slides for every lesson providing the main and sub points from the outline as well as graphic support for many of the teaching illustrations 
  • Editable quizzes with a variety of questions to assess learning outcomes on multiple levels of Bloom’s taxonomy
  • Editable exams with curated questions from the quizzes to test learning retention


Included in the Teacher Edition (sold separately):

  • Teaching curriculum for one (eighteen-week) semester of Bible curriculum
  • Scope and sequence
  • Scheduling and grading suggestions
  • Weekly teaching objectives
  • Discussion questions with suggested answers
  • Memory verses
  • Extension assignments
  • Assessment questions


    Avoiding Confusion High School Curriculum Companion Download
    Avoiding Confusion High School Curriculum Companion Download Sale price$116.00